Aids & HIV Treatment

HIV & AIDS Treatment in Chennai

HIV is a virus that causes damage to your immune system cells and reduces your ability to fight against common infections.

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), is the term used to describe a variety of potentially deadly infections and illnesses that can occur when your immune system is severely compromised by HIV.

Although AIDS can't be passed from one person to another person but HIV virus can.

Although there is no cure currently for HIV, there are effective drug treatments that allow most HIV-positive people to stay healthy and live longer life

Most people living with HIV can live a normal life if they receive prompt treatment and are diagnosed early.


Although some people might develop flu-like symptoms within a few months of being exposed to HIV virus, others may not experience any symptoms at all once they are infected. The symptoms that do develop, which often disappear within one week to a full month, can be mistaken for another viral infection. They could include:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Malaise
  • Lymph nodes that are larger

For adults with HIV, persistent or severe symptoms may not manifest for up to 10 years after the infection first occurs. However, it is possible that they will appear within two years for children. The "asymptomatic" phase of HIV infection can vary greatly from one person to the next. However, HIV actively infects and kills immune cells during this asymptomatic phase. The most obvious result is a decrease in blood levels of CD4+T cells (also known as T4 cells), which are the immune system's main infection fighters. These cells are initially disabled or destroyed by the virus without causing symptoms.

As the immune system weakens, complications start to appear. These are some of the most common symptoms and complications of AIDS. Each person may experience different symptoms. Some symptoms include:

  • Lymph nodes that are not enlarged after three months
  • Energy deficiency
  • Weight loss
  • Frequent sweats and fevers
  • Persistent yeast infections (oral and vaginal)
  • Flaky or persistent skin rashes
  • Treatment for pelvic inflammatory disease is not effective.
  • Memory loss in the short-term

A combination of one or more infections (opportunistic infection) that are related to a weak immune system. This includes tuberculosis, certain types pneumonia and other forms of tuberculosis.

People can get severe and frequent herpes infections, which can cause painful nerve diseases such as shingles. Children might have delayed or failed growth.

Most people will experience a gradual decrease in CD4+ T cell counts as a result of HIV infection. However, some people may experience sudden and drastic drops in their numbers.

HIV infection symptoms may look similar to other medical conditions. For a diagnosis, consult your doctor.

HIV & AIDS Treatment:

Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) is the best treatment for HIV. This combination of multiple medicines aims to reduce the virus's presence in your body. Antiretroviral medications slow down the virus' growth. These medicines can help reduce the virus levels in your body, and keep you healthy.

It is important that you follow your doctor's instructions after you have started treatment. Sometimes HIV resistance can cause treatment failure. If you don't follow your medication instructions, this can occur.

You can also take the following steps:

  • You can keep your immune system strong by eating right and quitting smoking. Also, learn how to prevent infection.
  • To monitor the effects of the virus on your immune systems, you should keep an eye on your CD4+ (white-blood cell) count.
  • Talk to a counselor if you need help with dealing with the stress and emotions that can accompany an HIV diagnosis.
  • You can manage HIV better if you reduce stress.
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