The discharge from the penile can be clear (watery) or cloudy (containing pus). It may also be bloody. Penile discharge can be caused by a UTI or a Sexually Transmitted Infection. Penile discharge can often be accompanied by pain, burning when urinating, and the need to urinate frequently. Penile discharge can also be accompanied by Itching Penile discharge can also be caused by Chlamydia and gonorrhea. Genital herpes rarely causes penile discharge.
Penile discharge in men is often a sign of infection. It's especially common when it presents with other symptoms like painful urine or pain during sexual intercourse. Chlamydia and Gonorrhea can all cause abnormal penile discharge. Trichomonas viginalis, Mycoplasma ingenitalium, and Gonorrhea are some examples of STIs. We recommend that you visit a clinic for sexual health if you suspect you might have an STI. This will ensure that you are tested promptly and avoid any complications. Genital herpes can occasionally cause penis discharge, but this is rare. Keep in mind that most STIs are not visible to all patients.
Penile discharge can also be caused by other factors:
Penile discharge from sexually active men is uncommon, especially if there are no STIs. Other causes of penile discharge in men are:
The diagnosis of discharge from the penis (or urethritis) is made by looking for white blood cells (neutrophils, pus cells) in a urethral sample or in a "first feed" urine sample. This means that urine is taken from the time you start to urinate. These samples could help identify the infecting organism. The patient should be seen by a sexual health clinic to have a rapid specimen examination. Leaving specimens at a hospital lab can cause misdiagnosis. NSU is not distinguished by the color or consistency of the discharge. Microscopic examination of the discharge from a urethral sample can diagnose gonococcal Urethritis in 98 percent of men.